Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Hey Friends,

Just a quick post to catch up and offer a little light during troubling times. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!

These days, it takes a conscious effort to stay flexible enough to roll with the many changes, strong enough to be resilient and light-hearted enough to take ourselves less seriously. This gentle practice was created for all of the above. Enjoy and pass it on if you found it useful.

For many people, the mending of relationships, given up for lost has been a satisfying outcome of our quarantine time. Some of us, have realized the fragility of life this past year and want to share our wisdom with loved ones while we can. 

Like 107-year-old Nonnie Bonita, who became a YouTube sensation on her 102nd birthday. As she blew out the candles, on her birthday cake, her dentures flew right out of her mouth and her hilarious response immediately went viral. If you haven’t seen the video, you must! This year Nonnie lived through her second pandemic. Nonnie has lots of good advice to share after her long, challenging life, like always look at the bright side and never, ever hold a grudge.

Stay poised in the light friends. This too shall pass. Many blessings to you and yours.


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Blessings and Woes

    I’m a Maryland girl. I love it down the ocean, hon . I enjoy a nice bowl of crab soup, especially when it’s cold outside. Show of hands,...