Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Best Laid Plans

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

~~Robert Burns

Are you a man or a mouse? I am neither but I can relate to this quote by poet Robert Burns. My plan to meditate every morning and evening has gone awry, several times actually.

This video is part of my plan to bring meditation back into my life on a regular basis. I already practice yoga. I have other regular spiritual practices like prayer and sacred reading. I am even thinking seminary might be in my future. So why is meditating so difficult? Are you with me on this?

Problem is you gotta do it. I have been an on and off meditator since my twenties when I began suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. This year, blessed 2020, was my year to reinstate meditation. It didn’t happen in January. February came and went with no remarkable improvement. And then Covid-19 and the quarantine happened. 

Back in 2015 I interviewed Dr. Sara Lazar, the Harvard scientist who researched meditation and other integrative modalities to find out just what benefits they had to offer. Dr. Lazar found significant benefits from regular meditation practice. That video is here:

I know it's good for me in so many ways; physically, emotionally, spiritually...

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day, unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour.

~~Zen Saying

Still, I admit it has been a bit of a struggle

So I don’t have a perfect daily practice. I am practicing though. I invite you to join me.

But first, let’s practice a little yoga to loosen our joints and prepare the body and mind for a sweet, imperfect, short little meditation.

We can do this! 

Was it good for you? Let me know :)

Yoga is for everyone. However, while practicing with a video it is up to you to assess whether the class you have chosen is right for you. Please modify as needed and if you suffer from any specific injuries or diseases you should consult with your medical practitioner before practicing. Enjoy!


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