Friday, July 29, 2022

Oodles of Zoodles

We have a small, raised bed garden in our backyard. We’ve been planting it for the past several years,
and I’ve noticed that each growing season is a little bit different. Each season there are certain variables that determine growth potential. What is growing changes based on what plants are available at my local nursery, the weather, of course, and then there’s the effort I am willing to put into it. This year my garden is providing more zucchini than our family can possibly consume. I have been trying to spread the love, offering it to family, friends, and neighbors. If you show up at my doorstep this month, you just might leave with a zucchini! If you’ve ever grown zucchini, you know it literally seems to grow overnight. Seriously, zucchini could be the answer to world hunger. With all the growth this year, my garden demands daily attention.


I have made zucchini pizza, zucchini muffins, zucchini boats, and pasta with zucchini…


This zucchini boat did not go over well with the hubs.

My husband is not a fan of zucchini. But he does like cucumbers. Thankfully our cucumber crop is also thriving this season. We love to slice them up and dip them in some yummy hummus. We’ve also been juicing them. Cucumber juice with a little ginger and lime is super refreshing on a hot summer day. And also, super healthy.

 Cuke juice is super refreshing when it's hot out!


Since I tend to primarily look at life through more of a spiritual lens (and I am weird this way), I have been wondering what this means. I am curious about what wisdom my plentiful garden has to offer me this season. With so much zucchini and cucumber, I wonder what God is providing that I might need right now. According to my research, zucchini is chock full of vitamin A and folate. Its mild flavor makes it versatile and an ideal add-on to lots of dishes like eggs, pasta, and even smoothies. It lasts for quite a while in the fridge or freezer. That’s certainly a blessing, as I have been consumed with seminary studies and have had little time to think about much else.


Only we can determine what abundance is currently showing up. Every season is different. Every season of life is different based on what we have planted, how we have tended our garden, and of course, the weather. Where is the abundance? How can we ponder this more?


Enter into the Great Silence,

where you may hear the voice of the Beloved,

Who satisfies the hungry soul,

and quenches the thirsty with streams of Living Water                   

 ~~Psalm 107, From Nan Merrill's Psalms for Praying


Then there is this, also from Psalm 107:


If you are really wise, you’ll think this over—
    it’s time you appreciated God’s deep love.
~~Eugene Peterson’s The Message


I love that translation.


We are wise to spend more time reflecting on the abundance of God. Whether it’s zoodles and cucumber juice, a gorgeous sunrise, tea with a dear friend, a new grandbaby, a successful medical procedure, or fascinating scientific discoveries about the universe from the Webb telescope, the abundance is there. Where are you noticing abundance? Even if things seem really difficult right now for you, where are you experiencing new growth? According to the psalmist, it’s good…maybe healthy even, to ponder these things. 


Rather than the bazillion other distractions that are out there. 


God is great

God is good 

And we thank God for our food


By God’s hand we all are fed

Give us this day

Our daily bread


Remember that grace from your childhood? For many, this was a go-to grace. It is apparently also a hymn written by that famous person, anonymous. 


I took the liberty of making God’s gender neutral. You’re welcome. 

I think this sweet little grace pretty much sums up God’s love for us. 


God is good, our creator and sustainer and redeemer of everything that may seem negative in our lives. God is abundant in sometimes extremely surprising ways. And God loves us all – no exceptions. God loves every one of us, regardless of how plentiful or feebly our literal or metaphorical gardens are currently growing. God loves us and feeds us with what we currently need.


Our job is to pay attention. And to occasionally say thank you.









Connie Bowman is an actress, voice talent, yoga teacher, author, and host of the podcast Happy Healthy You! and now Seminarian Connie Bowman encourages all of us to find wholeness by following our bliss and living lives of health, happiness, and meaning.

Blessings and Woes

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