This week has been a lot to take in. The news is difficult and scary and sad. What are we to do with all of the emotions?
I am not a psychotherapist but I have experienced the trauma of sudden loss. I wrote Back to Happy to tell my story and to give my experience meaning by possibly helping others in their grief. What worked for me might not work for you. But in everyone’s story there is something to take away and try on for ourselves.
I encourage you to take time to ask your soul what it might be needing this week. Be gentle with yourself and others. Pray, meditate and gather with loved ones or your faith community. Read sacred literature or texts. Make soup. Take a yoga class. Soothe your soul.
When tragedies happen, like the one in Las Vegas this week, we are all affected. Even if we didn't personally know any of the souls involved, we are touched. Our collective soul is wounded and we all must heal together. Once we accept that what happens “to the least of these” (Matthew 25:40) happens to us, we are headed to a much more joyful and peaceful world.
This week we celebrate the 200th episode of the Happy Healthy You! podcast with best selling author Thomas Moore talking about his new book Ageless Soul. He was a delight to speak with and so wise. He also addressed the news and how our souls are deeply affected by violence directed at one another. You can listen to our conversation here.
In the meantime, be well, happy and healthy.
In the meantime, be well, happy and healthy.
Many Blessings,